He is Risen, Alleluia! (Happy Easter!)

Born in a Catholic family, Easter vigil has been a part of my life forever. The earliest memory I have of the Easter Vigil service is being around six years old and sitting next to my mom at the Immaculate Conception Cathedral, Pondicherry (or St. Paul's Kovil - church- which is locally just called 'Samba Kovil!). There were streamers and lots of decorations. I think we might have been late for mass, because we were sitting outside in the courtyard. Six year old me was excited to be outside at midnight; the sights and sounds were mesmerising - women in silk, men in their tailored shirts and pants (because in the early eighties that was the norm!) and children in their shiny frocks and pattu paavadais. 

I have a very clear memory of asking my mom what was happening and why the church was decorated.

"Jesus is coming back" she had replied in hushed tones. 

"Tonight?" I had asked, shocked. 

"Yes, he's going up to heaven tonight" she had said, motioning to now put a lid on my questioning, with a 'shh'. 

I remember spending the rest of the night, looking up at the night sky, fearing even to blink, in case I miss Jesus flying back to heaven. 

My children roll their eyes when I recount this story to them every Easter! But I also know that they love listening to this, because their eyes glisten with mirth at their silly six-year old mummy who spent an entire night with her face turned upwards. 

This year too, my face is turned upwards - at the Cross. This is the year that God led me to truly understand the magnitude, the infinite love and the unfathomable mercy that Jesus on the Cross represents. This year, God has made me fall in love with the Catholic Church. To understand her depth, her heart and her love for the poor and her merciful gaze and welcoming arms for sinners. 

I've heard the Exusultet sung so many times over the years, but this year, it went deep into my heart and awakened an understanding that I've not known before.

O wonder of your humble care for us!
O love, O charity beyond all telling,
to ransom a slave you gave away your Son!
O truly necessary sin of Adam,
destroyed completely by the Death of Christ!
O happy fault
that earned so great, so glorious a Redeemer!

(Here is the full version)

This Easter, I pray that anyone who desires to know Jesus, takes the first step towards Him in humility. I pray that you may know God and the depth of His love for you. I pray that we may all choose holiness, not because we're good, but because God is holy. 

To Him be all glory, honour, power and praise. 

Happy Easter, all! 


  1. I was transported to that Easter vigil with six-year old you. Brought back lovely memories of the many Easters from my childhood.

    Thank you for the reminder of God’s infinite love shown through Jesus’s sacrificial love. How unworthy we are but how much He loves us!


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